1. Money is generated by working, so is art.
2. Civilizations that value money also value art.
Basic differences between money and art:
1. As a nation's debt increases, the value of its currency decreases.
2. As an artist gains notoriety, the value of their artwork increases.

Historically: Ancient coins are collectible by enthusiasts, Ancient mosaics are kept in museums.
Currently: The Money of today can be easily be turned into things, yet the Art of today is difficult to turn into money.
Who values art the most?
1. Those who want to influence great numbers of people. (ie. Pharoahs, Popes, Dictators, CEOs, etc.)
2. The artists themselves.

Who produces Money? A Taxpayer.
Who needs Money? 1.an artist 2. the government
If the Government itself were to promote an artist turning money into artwork, they could increase the value of the artwork, and consequently their own tax revenue. An Artist turning Money into Art, selling it for more Money, and paying taxes on the profit could help invigorate the economy. MoneyMorphosism is Patriotic. MoneyMorphosism makes sense. I volunteer to be an artist for America.

Turning money into art:
1. Removes money from circulation, thus countering inflation.
2. Adds exponential value to the coins used, helping the economy.
3. Is cool.
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