In early 1989, I got a new sketchbook. It was for school. I was in 7th grade and enrolled in an art elective class. Most of the other kids took gym class during this timeslot. Each drawing basically represents one week of class, and most are based off assignments we were given. I was 12 years old.

Next comes a different message. My views had started to form already, and I had begun using colored pencils.

The next assignment was to take an empty 35mm slide frame and find a picture in a magazine to crop. Then we were supposed to add our own elements to fill the entire background. I made a cow into a rocket, going to the MOOOOOOOOON! The original scene was a landscape, but I merged it into the smoke.

Our next assignment involved evolving an old drawing into something new. A few years before, I had developed a cartoon character in another sketchbook, here I revisited the same character, only tried to make it look real.

here's the original:

We learned about surrealism and were told to make a surrealistic image.

We were told to draw a household appliance, other than a refrigerator.

The next assignment involved animation, and multiple frames.

We were to blow up one frame on the next page. I learned this knot in Boyscouts.

We were told to do a value study with volumetric shapes.

For this drawing, I went into my dad's toolroom and made individual drawings of different tools, then assembled them all into an absurd weapon. This is a precursor to the found-objects sculptures I would eventually create.

In Biology class, I was doing a report on wolverines. The classes overlapped.

I entered it in the Scholastic Arts competition, and received an acceptance letter.

I remember this being quite exciting for the art teachers in my school district, as very few students had been accepted in the past. I was the first in many years. This next sketch represents a milestone in subject choices. Bush Sr.had just won the election and I stepped into the contemporary political arena.

I would be going to the Capitol to receive awards and recognition.

To top things off, I was given a hand signed Certificate of Commendation from the Governor of Wisconsin, Tommy G. Thompson. He gave it to me personally at the ceremony, and shook my hand.

Twelve years later, when Bush Jr. was elected President, Tommy became the secretary of Health and Human Services. He ceased to be the governor of Wisconsin. By only one degree of separation, I too have given our President an eskimo kiss.

My last drawing was fitting, as a new member of the Good Ole Boys Club. I had my sights set on grandeur, and no reason to doubt it.

artist of the year
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