Monday, August 31, 2009

opening the treasure chest/Transformation of Matter

Of all the things we value in life, none seems to permeate civilization so much as gemstones and jewelry.
As far back as history remembers, precious metals and minerals have adorned us all.Not a grave can be excavated which contains anyone of significance that does not also contain the finest ornaments of its occupant's bones.
In the case of the diamond, carbon is key. Depending on its location in the Space-Time Continuum, carbon can behave as anything from soot to snails.
Pressure and time, until recently, were necessary to produce this particular molecular oddity.
Now any old laboratory with the necessary array of multi-billion dollar equipment can pump them out by the minute, I assume.
I believe that artists, like carbon, can also be influenced by pressure and time....
...unlike diamonds, however, an artist will never be easy to synthesize quickly.
After a diamond is formed, it must be transformed by a skilled master to become a priceless object. Prior to cutting facets, its just a weird rock.
In this particular instance, the artist alone injects worth to be determined later by skilled appraisers.
Craftsmanship is important, but so is the artisan's name. Big name? Viola! Money.
I have figured out a process by which I can transform mere pocket change into treasure fit for royalty. Like the alchemists of the middle ages, hellbent on discovering a method for transmuting lead into gold, I have stumbled upon an interesting solution for adding value to our money. I've decided to turn it into art.
Pressure+Time=TED STANKE, Artist: Transmutationist of Money

Remember the name. It might be worth something someday.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

fun being a jeweler isn't it? Jewelers have been questioning the perceived value of material for quite awhile now. I enjoy your take on it.